About Us

Luke Mombourquette, Owner of Live Fast Lawn Care

My name is Luke Mombourquette and I am the owner and operator of Live Fast Lawn Care. I live in the Edmonton area with my wife, two kids and two dogs.

I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Environmental Science and have worked as an Environmental Scientist for 3 years. However, I always gravitated to lawn care leading to the development of Live Fast Lawn Care.

Throughout my life I always put my full effort into the task at hand. This will be no different when I arrive on your property. If a task is worth doing, it’s worth doing it right. I will always bring the same care and devotion to your lawn as if it was my own.

My goal is to bring the best lawn care service to your property. Our services will have your lawn looking beautiful through the entire season.

We look forward to working with you this year.


Company Values


Our mission is to provide quality lawn care at an affordable price. By delivering outstanding quality and great customer service we take the hassle out of lawn care so you can focus on the greater things in life. Family and friends.


Bringing the highest standard of service to your property for you and your family to enjoy.
